Sher Feng

Qing Ming Festival - Liaw Sher Feng

Design of GUI

The 1st pictures can be the homepage of the website
There have a logo in top of the right hand side
At the left hand side header have 5 buttons
 (home, chinese new year, Qing Ming, Duan Wu and Mid-autumn)
and i will put a flash and photo below the 5 buttons

The 2nd pictures i put the history,celebration, pictures and video
in left hand side below the 5 buttons

Flow chart of indidual sites

The main is the Qing Ming
and then there have a 4 links in below
there is history ,celebration and pictures, video
The last buttons wil be the links

Update of Progress

Same as in the hompage
I use the same GUI design with all members 
 this is a sub-page of the main website
so all the templete must be same

The different part within homepage and QIng Ming page is

In the QIng Ming buttons
 we have insert 3 links
there are story, celebration and gallery
but in homepage
there don't have any small links

The ways to create Qing Ming website same as homepage there:

1) At first, we press the file>new>blank page to create a blank page
2)we choose html > create new to create website web page
3)and then we need to insert the templete that we designed at above
4) When we want insert some contents
we press insert>layout object>AP DIV to insert the text boxes
5)we type in the contents in left hand side rectangle there
6) To enlarge the photos in gallery
we go to window> tag inspector>behavior
and then we add behavior>choose effect
>grow from 100% to 150%

7) To insert the flash same as insert the contents
we press insert>layout object>AP DIV to insert the video profile
7) At last we need links up all the webpage
we highlight 3 links and then right click
 and make the link

The ways to do the flash:

a) we online search some pictures
b)then we open the adobe flash
c) we press open>new to create a blank page
d) then we insert a keyframe
>insert pictures that we found
e) and take a 30 seconds for each pictures
f) we need put the motion tween to stop when cahnge picture

Final Result for QIng Ming buttons


Story of Qing Ming Festival
Qing Ming, which means clear and bright in Chinese. It is a time to express one's grief for his lost relatives.
An ancient elegiac poem, which described a grievous woman, was read that vines tangled in vain and weeds crept in the graveyard, and her husband slept there lonely. It was so difficult to endure for her as if summer in the day and winter at night. And her only wish was to reunite with him after death.

Celebration of Qing Ming Festival
Chinese visit their family graves to tend to any underbrush that has grown. Weeds are pulled, and dirt swept away, and the family will set out offerings of food and spirit money. Unlike the sacrifices at a family's home altar, the offerings at the tomb usually consist of dry, bland food. One theory is that since any number of ghosts rome around a grave area, the less appealing food will be consumed by the ancestors, and not be plundered by strangers

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