Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Duan Wu festival -Li Rui

1. I will caret the links on the top of web. Its will easy to find what you want. There are being full of pictures, worlds, videos and flash. The funny thing is you will see game on my web. You can more enjoy this web.

2. Of my topics there are two parts image and worlds. No matter you like view pictures or just worlds explain you can find in my pages. Form my website you will not only get information about this festival, the important thing is you can get more fun. I will use Photoshop and Dreamweaver to create this web. Full technology be using to create this website will make this website be powerful
Update of Progress

Same as in the hompage
I use the same GUI design with all members 
 this is a sub-page of the main website
so all the templete must be same

The different part within homepage and DUAN WUpage is

In the DUANWUbuttons
 we have insert 4 links
there are story, celebration,game and gallery
but in homepage
there don't have any small links

The ways to create duanwu website same as homepage there:

1) At first, we press the file>new>blank page to create a blank page
2)we choose html > create new to create website web page
3)and then we need to insert the templete that we designed at above
4) When we want insert some contents
we press insert>layout object>AP DIV to insert the text boxes
5)we type in the contents in left hand side rectangle there
6) To enlarge the photos in gallery
we go to window> tag inspector>behavior
and then we add behavior>choose effect
>grow from 100% to 150%

7) To insert the flash same as insert the contents
we press insert>layout object>AP DIV to insert the video profile
7) At last we need links up all the webpage
we highlight 4 links and then right click
 and make the link

The ways to do the flash:

a) we online search some pictures
b)then we open the adobe flash
c) we press open>new to create a blank page
d) then we insert a keyframe
>insert pictures that we found
e) and take a 30 seconds for each pictures
f) we need put the motion tween to stop when cahnge picture


Story of DuanWu Festival
Memorial loyal
Celebration of Qing Ming Festival
Dragon boat racing is an indispensable part of the festival, held all over the country
Zongzi is an essential food of the Dragon Boat Festival

1 comment:

  1. No use of tools, not much content, no references. This is week 12. No longer week 8. Need more for progress at this stage. Also your references should not be just a list of URL, you must place it near the object or material that is used
